
Steven Arnone - Obese to Bodybuilder
After tipping the scales at over 300 lbs, this former college football player found himself in the midst of an emotional breakdown, weeping at the edge of his bed, having...
Steven Arnone - Obese to Bodybuilder
After tipping the scales at over 300 lbs, this former college football player found himself in the midst of an emotional breakdown, weeping at the edge of his bed, having...

Devon Squillace - Fell From A Six Story Building
Five years ago in New York City, Devon Squillas went out with friends for a night to unwind after a long week. Usually, when most people go out, they have...
Devon Squillace - Fell From A Six Story Building
Five years ago in New York City, Devon Squillas went out with friends for a night to unwind after a long week. Usually, when most people go out, they have...

J-Arp - Cheated Death & Lost Over 300 Pounds
After flatlining in his house, J-Arp knew he needed to make a life-changing decision. With the help of his personal trainer Steve Arnone, J-arp was able to lose over 300...
J-Arp - Cheated Death & Lost Over 300 Pounds
After flatlining in his house, J-Arp knew he needed to make a life-changing decision. With the help of his personal trainer Steve Arnone, J-arp was able to lose over 300...